Tricolor dhokla


Tricolor dhokla

Here we learn how to make tricolor dhokla


  • Rice (Chawal) – 1 cup
  • Semolina (suji) – 1 and 1/2 cup
  • SAlt (namak) – 1 tablesppon)
  • Curd (dahi) – 1 cup
  • Food color (kane ka rang) – Green (hara) and (narangi)
  • Sugar(shakkar) – 3 tablespoon
  • Green chilies chopped (hari mirch) – 2 to 3 
  • Garlic and ginger paste (adrak aur lahasun) – 1 teaspoon
  • Mustard seeds (rai) – 1 tablesppon 
  • Cumin seeds (jeera) – 1 tablespoon
  • Curry leaves (kadhi patta) – 7 to 8
  • Refined oil (khane ka tel) – 2 tablespoon
  • Asafoetida (hing) – 2 pinch)
  • Baking soda- 1 teaspoon
  • Fresh water (pani) – 2 cups 

Cooking Time- 2 to 3 hours for soaking rice, 1 hour for setting rice and semolina mixture and 1/2 hour for steaming and preparation. (Total 5 hours approx.)

QUANTITY – 15 pieces

Tricolor dhokla


First of all take rice, wash it and soak into water for 2 to 3 hours.

After soaking, remove water from rice and again wash it for 2-3 times with fresh water.

Grind the rice in a mixer jar and make a fine paste. If needed ass 1 to 2 tablespoon water while grinding the rice.

Make fine paste and pour in a bowl. Add semolina, ginger paste, garlic paste, salt, curd, chopped green chiles, 1 table spoon sugar, 1 cup water (more or less as per requirement for making medium consistency batter) and mix it well. 

Keep this batter aside for 1 hour, so that semolina gets well soaked.

Meanwhile take any vessel or a tin, grease it with oil and keep ready. 

After one hour is over, take another aluminium vessel or a pressure cooker. Pour some water into it and keep the vessel on the gas. Now put any plate or any a stand at the bottom of the vessel.

Boil water for 5 to 7 minutes on the gas on low flame.

Check the batter which is already kept aside. If the batter becomes thick, add half cup water (more or less for medium consistency) and mix it well.

Add 1 tablespoon baking soda in the batter and stir it lightely and slowly in one direction.

Divide the batter in three equal parts in 3 bowls. Put 1 to 2 rops of green food color in first bowl.

Again add 1 to 2 drops of orange color in second bowl.

Keep the batter of the 3rd bowl as white. Do not add any color in 3rd bowl.

Mix these food colors well with each other.

Now first pour green color batter in the greased tin and put the tin in aluminium vessel or pressure cooker for steaming.

(If you are using pressure cooker then remove ring(gasket) and also remove whistle). The gas flame should be medium.

Cover the aluminium vessel by any glass lid or any plate and steam it for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes remove the lid or the plate. Add white batter over green batter and cover the vessel for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes again remove the lid or the plate. Now add orange batter over white batter then cover it and steam it for further 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes check the batter by inserting a knife or a toothpick. If the batter leaves on the knife or the toothpick then steam it again for extra 5 minutes.

Check it again, Now if the the knife comes out clean then your dhokla is ready.  

Turn off the gas and take out the vessel from the pressure cooker or the aluminium vessel and keep it aside for cooling.

Now take a pan and put on the gas to heat the oil in it. After it is hot add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, curry leaves, asafoetida, 3 tablespoon water in this hot mixture and then add 2 tablesppon sugar.

Turn off the gas and stir it well and pour on the dhokla evenly. Cut it  into square pieces and here your tricolor soft and spongy dhokla is ready.

You can sere this dhokla with any chutney or sauce.


Tricolor dhokla

Keep watching another recipes on Manisha’s kitchen


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    Thank you and good luck for the upcoming posts.

    King regards,
    Demir Duke

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