crispy triangles


crispy triangles

How to make crispy triangles made of semolina and vegetables.

This is an innovative break-fast dish.


  • Semolina / Suji – 1 & 1/2 cup
  • Salt (Namak) – 1 table spoon
  • Baking Soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Ginger paste (Adrak) – 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic paste (Lahsun) – 1 teaspoon
  • Chopped green chilies (Hari Mirch) – 5 to 7
  • Cabbage Chopped (Patta Gobi) – 1 cup
  • Onion chopped (pyaz) – 1 (medium size)
  • Capsicum chopped (simla mirch) – 1 (medium size)
  • Tomato chopped (Tamator) – 1 (optional)
  • Grated potato (aaloo) – 1 (optional)
  • Curd (dahi) – 1 & 1/2 cup
  • Fresh water (pani) -1 cup (more or less as per requirement)
  • Refined oil – 5 to 6 tablespoon



crispy triangles


First of all take semolina in a bowl and add curd in it. Mix it well.

Then add salt, chopped onion, chopped green chilies, garlic paste, ginger paste, chopped capsicum, grated potato, chopped tomato, chopped cabbage and mix it well.

Add some water and again mix it well. The consistency should be medium of the  batter.

Keep the batter aside for around 1 & 1/2 hour by covering a plate on it. so that semolina soaks water & curd.

After 1 and 1/2 hour check the batter and if it becomes thick, then add again some water and make the batter in medium consistency.

Meanwhile, take any aluminium vessel or a pressure cooker with some water in it for boiling.

We have to steam this batter. Put any plate or a stand and place it at the bottom of any aluminium vessel or in a pressure cooker. Turn on the gas and keep the gas flame medium.

Ass baking soda to this batter, stir it lightly and slowly in one direction only.

Immediately pour the batter in another any vessel or any tin which is greased with oil.

Put this greased tin or the vessel in the aluminium preheated vessel or the pressure cooker. Cover it by any plate or glass lid.

(If you are using pressure cooker then please remove ring(gasket) and remove whistle also.

Steam this batter for 15 minutes.

Check the batter after 15 minutes by inserting a knife or a thoothpick in it. If the knife or the toothpick comes out clean it means your batter is cooked.

But if the batter leaves on the knife or the toothpick then cook again for further 5 to 7 minutes. 

 Turn off the gas after it is cooked. Take out the vessel or the tin  and keep it aside for cooling.

After it is cooked, demould it (just like demoulding cake process) into a plate. Now cut it into triangle shape. (You can cut it in to any shape).

Heat the oil into a pan or a kadhai and put 2 to 3 pieces of triangles into the pan and shallow fry it.

Fy these triangles till the color becomes golden brown and it becomes crispy. In this way fry all the rest pieces.

Here your crispy semolina vegetable triangles are ready.

Garnish these triangles with coriander leaves.

You can serve these crispy triangles with sauce, curd or any chutney.



crispy triangles

Visit again to Manisha’s Kitchen for another interesting recipes.


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